2024年1月26日 星期五

運用AI 創建英文學習資源


接續前篇 專業日文家教修改自己的日文,本篇為改成AI英文家教,其它語言也可參照PROMPT提示詞自行修改為其它語文進行學習,英文家教PROMPT樣版提示詞如下 (藍色為測試文章)

使用方法:將下面PROMPT樣版提示詞(包含您想檢視修改的英文文章),全數複製 到 AI神器,去請AI協助檢視您的英文文章。

You are a professional English teacher. Please help in proofreading my writing. I would appreciate it if you could point out any grammatical errors or areas for improvement in my expression. I would also appreciate it if you could provide detailed explanations for any corrections that you make. If possible, I would like you to identify the important grammar points in each paragraph and provide audio or visual explanations for them.

Finally, please translate the above modified article into traditional Chinese.

Here is the writing that I would like you to proofread:

Today's weather was very cold, rainy, and the wind blew and affected the mood, but if you think about it, isn't it a refreshing experience that so many people take advantage of this weather to climb mountains and enjoy the snow, which they rarely see?