2024年4月26日 星期五

經由Groq API功能,使用Meta開放源碼Llama3-70b-8192模型,進行 日文PROMPT提示詞 查詢

藉由免費Groq API服務,橋接使用臉書Meta開放源碼LLM大語言模型,進行 日文相關查詢運用


☺💟https://console.groq.com/keys  取得API KEY

☺💟在自己的電腦環境變數,加入GROQ_API_KEY變數,指定您所取得API KEY值

💜步驟二: 備妥PYTHON執行環境

 pip install groq

💜步驟三:將下面藍色部分,另存成 PYTHON程式碼(如:testgroq.py ),並且執行它即可

import os

from groq import Groq

client = Groq(

chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
            "role": "user",
"あなたは日本語のプロで、勉強法の達人です。 {{関連表現}}の語源は教えて、漢字ははっきりとはしないが、省略しても構いません。 {{関連表現}}の文法解説・例文と類義語を簡潔な概要でまとめてください。もし、その表現はニュアンス、意志、自発、あるいは自分、他の人、その他の表現などに関連があれば、使い方を教えて暗記しやすいように、その他の類義表現文型と違いところを表形式に挙げてください。それぞれの表現に焦点を当てたYOUTUBE動画を挙げてください 関連表現: かたがた、を兼ねて、ついで、がてら、かたわら ",




Japanese relationship learning日文相關連關鍵資訊查詢,增進廣度面向之學習。



💛Temperature Control: (可於程式碼中 ,在model="Llama3-70b-8192"上方,加入 temperature  = 0.1 ,不加溫度參數效果較好)A lower temperature results in more deterministic and focused responses, while a higher temperature increases diversity and explores more unconventional possibilities

💛檔名請勿以 groq.py 命名,否則會出現下面錯誤訊息 👀
ImportError: cannot import name 'Groq' from partially initialized module 'groq' (most likely due to a circular import)


**1. かたがた (katagata)**
Meaning: and so on, and other things like that
Example sentence: 私のかたがた、運動ですか? (Watashi no katagata, undō desu ka? - Are you doing exercise and other things like that?)

**2. を兼ねて (o kane te)**
Meaning: while doing, simultaneously
Example sentence: 私は仕事を兼ねて、ユーチューブを見ています (Watashi wa shigoto o kane te, Yūchūbu o mite imasu - I'm watching YouTube while working)

**3. ついで (tsuide)**
Meaning: by the way, while I'm at it
Example sentence: 私は店についで、雑貨を買います (Watashi wa mise ni tsuide, zakka o kaimasu - I'll buy some miscellaneous goods while I'm at the store)

**4. がてら (gatera)**
Meaning: and other things, et cetera
Example sentence: 私は料理がてら、健康について学びます (Watashi wa ryōri gatera, kenkō ni tsuite gakushū shimasu - I'll learn about cooking and other things, like health)

**5. かたわら (katawara)**

- This word means "on the side" or "in addition to."
        * Example: 「私は本業のかたわら、フリーランスの仕事もしています」(In addition to my main job, I also do freelance work on the side.)






💛動態傳遞參數範例1: 使用方式  python testgroq.py 您提問的問題

#placeholder text from the dynamic value (sys.argv[1])  

import os
import sys
from groq import Groq

client = Groq(

# Get the dynamic expression from sys.argv[1]
dynamic_expression = sys.argv[1]

# Replace the placeholder text with the dynamic expression
chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(
            "role": "user",
            "content": f"{dynamic_expression}",
# Print the generated response


💛動態傳遞參數範例2:  將常用的詢問(日文文法查詢)預先作好Prompt樣版,只要將您詢問參數代入,即可查詢

python testgroq.py  如し、如く、如き

 #placeholder text from the dynamic value (sys.argv[1])  

import os
import sys
from groq import Groq

client = Groq(api_key=os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY"))

# Get the dynamic expression from sys.argv[1]
dynamic_expression = sys.argv[1]

# Construct the message content with the dynamic expression
user_message = {
    "role": "user",
    "content": f"あなたは日本語のプロで、勉強法の達人です。日本語の文法を徹底解説してください。例えば:文型、ニュアンス、図表、例文(専門家向け)下記の問題を徹底ステップバイステップ解説してください: {dynamic_expression}",

# Generate completion using Groq API
chat_completion = client.chat.completions.create(

# Extract and print the generated response
generated_response = chat_completion.choices[0].message.content



 What an honor to delve into the intricacies of Japanese grammar!

**如し (nashi)**   (小BUG錯誤🚨 ,正確應該 gotosi)

* Usage: Used to describe a comparison or analogy, often with a sense of similarity or resemblance.
* Example sentences:
        + 彼の顔は
如し私の叔父のように見える (Kare no kao wa nashi watashi no oji no you ni mieru) - His face looks like my uncle's.    小BUG錯誤🚨終止形,詞性屬⌈文言比況助動詞⌋,通常放句尾,相當於ようだ

**如き (ki)** 

* Usage: Used to describe a hypothetical or imaginary situation, often with a sense of uncertainty or tentativeness.
* Example sentences:
        + 私は
如き億万長者のように生活している (Watashi wa ki no okuman chōja no you ni seikatsu shite iru) - I'm living as if I were a billionaire. 🚨連体形,相當於ような

**如く (ku)**
* Usage: Used to describe a manner or method of doing something, often with a sense of following a model or example.
* Example sentences:
        + 彼は如く名選手のように球をプレイする (Kare wa ku mei senshu no you ni yakyū o purei suru) - He plays baseball like a famous player.  🚨連用形,相當於ように
