2024年2月4日 星期日

藉由AI神器,試作 軟體解讀工具


說明一:因為AI主要以英文為主,故先將想查詢資訊以中文打好,再經由翻譯軟體或請AI神器預先翻成英文去提問,或許可獲得更多的資訊,最後再轉換成繁體中文呈現。建議可將要查的軟體相關關鍵字(或者是過去自己寫的部落格之軟體文章貼進去,就彷彿跳進時空之旅🌌)用"""      """,(三重引用符號)標示起來軟體解讀PROMPT提示詞如下面藍色部分


Now that you are a software usage criticism, please analyze the content of each topic based on the resource help I have provided and write about it in a blog format.
First of all, please find out if the features are available based on the resource help I provided, and if it is an open source resource, please describe it separately.
Analyze the copyright (e.g., open source, commercial software, etc.), whether it supports cross-platform (list the details), the advantages of the software (list the supported file formats), the installation method and the matters that need to be paid attention to when you use it (do you need to prepare the environment first?). Please list them in a simple table.

Finally, please list relevant resources, such as the official website, and the more popular websites on the Internet for users who go to Google to search for the software in different languages (e.g. English, Japanese, Chinese).

Please convert the results to Traditional Chinese for a complete and detailed description and table presentation.

I provide the following resources:

https://github.com/upscayl/upscayl 像素不足功能,調整圖像大小。

ImageMagick: https://imagemagick.org/ ,可用於各種圖像處理任務,包括命令提示方式 調整圖像大小



Imagemagick 1次性,以命令提示方式,將iPhone之 heic圖檔,轉換成JPG圖檔
convert *.heic -quality 90 -resize 50% -write output/*.jpg