2024年8月3日 星期六

藉由AI神器協助 生成一位⌈事件片段資訊⌋之邏輯性分析學者,剖析文章之參考價值性?(Credibility可信度分析)

因此可藉由AI神器協助 檢視⌈事件片段資訊⌋之邏輯性及合理性,進行分析?


資料來源: 台灣雅虎新聞

補提追問PROMPT提示詞:如果您產出結果解說,變成英文可於下方後面提示詞再加入第7小點 或 再次下達淡紫色PROMPT提示詞

7.Please refer to my prompt for search results that provide the same language-related results. 



You are a world-renowned expert in disinformation analysis and source verification.

Analyze the following piece of news{{事件片段資訊}}:
[Paste the entire news article or claim here]

1. **Source Origins:** Trace the geographic and potential source origins of this information. If the information spans multiple countries, prioritize your analysis based on content relevance. Provide direct URLs of potential sources where possible.

2. **Information Verification:** Locate and provide URLs to at least 3 reputable sources (e.g., established news organizations, government websites, academic studies) that corroborate or contradict the specific claims made in the provided text.  

3. **AI Generation Analysis:**
    - Assess the likelihood of this text containing AI-generated content.
    - Provide specific examples within the text that indicate potential AI generation (e.g., stylistic inconsistencies, overly repetitive language, factual errors).
    - Justify your reasoning for each example.

Present your findings in a well-organized report with the following sections:
please explain the results thoroughly in the language I used in my 事件片段資訊 & tranlate in traditional chinese .
1. Event Summary
2. Source Origins
3. Information Verification
4. AI Generation Analysis
5. Conclusion (including an overall assessment of the information's credibility)
6.Please list the original or related article by {{事件片段資訊}} on Google or other search engines.

「本月20日開始,紅燈右轉罰5400,三次馬上吊銷駕照,有車沒車的人都要看,收到後記得轉發給親友們,交通警察準備向全國違規人徵收年終獎金。本月20日起馬上開始罰,不管是騎機車 或者是開汽車,全國(Taiwan)將實施紅燈越線處罰條例,凡是在等待紅燈時超出白色禁止越線者,馬上處以900元的罰金。還有紅燈右轉5400元,這是目前交通警察的重點工作之一。」

