2024年7月27日 星期六

Brainstorming ブレインストーミング 「優化」與「增加提供靈感」關鍵字查詢參考資訊


💜步驟一: 將下面藍色PROMPT提示詞下方,先將您的 詢問初稿關鍵詞(即 Retrieval of information),以前例Brainstorming發想為案例

💜步驟二: AI神器可依您提供的提示詞或關鍵詞,給予您更多的靈感來源(如:畫風的提示詞靈感(萌え系、ゆるキャラなど))。

💜步驟三:將步驟二之查詢到之新增靈感關鍵詞,再修正或追加您的提示詞詢問細項目重新向AI提問,以便獲取到 更貼近您的查詢需求





You are a master of data retrieval and a creative prompt engineer!  

I need your help discovering inspiring prompts for finding {{Retrieval of information}}.
My goal is to uncover new **techniques**, **strategies**, and **real-world examples** to optimize my data search process.

Please present your recommendations in a table format using Markdown.  
Each suggestion should include:

| Prompt | Target Resource (e.g., SNS,blog, forum, database,Research Papers) | Explanation |  Potential Parameters to Adjust (if applicable) |

| "Effective keyword research techniques for data discovery" | Data Science Blogs, Information Retrieval Forums |
This prompt targets resources that explain how to find the right keywords when searching for data. |
Relevance weighting towards "techniques," "keyword research" , Relevance to "time series analysis," "anomaly detection," and potentially filter by publication date for recent advancements.  |
| ... | ... | ... | ... |

Retrieval of information:

{{キーワード}}: [入力された文字列]
スタイル: SDキャラ風、デフォルメ、シンプルで明るい、覚えやすい
説明: 上記の{{キーワード}}を元に、記憶に残るようなデフォルメされたイラスト・挿絵を作成してください。大きな目と頭、小さな体で表現してください。
